

At ESTECH we are at the forefront of technological development, not only within carbon capture, but also within the production of green hydrogen. We have developed and patented a Power-to-X technology that combines carbon capture and parallel production of hydrogen, solely based on green electrical power with no thermal heat requirement. The technology is unique in its approach to carbon capture merging two operations in one circular process that converts toxic flue gas or exhaust gas into storable and transportable forms of energy or fuels.

Carbon Capture & Power-to-X (CAPPOW)


ESTECH’s technology combines carbon capture and production of hydrogen in one and the same process, solely based on green electrical power with no thermal heat requirement, thus making it the most energy-efficient Carbon Capture & Utility (CCU) technology on the market for industries with no available thermal energy.

Commercial applications

At our current stage of development the potential applications of our technology are almost limitless. However, our commercial focus at this point is a fully developed ESTECH plant aimed at small and medium-sized companies that have access to electricity but cannot electrify their production. The plant can be installed at combined heat and power (CHP) plants and waterworks, as well as any industrial production facility that emits CO2 to optimise their use of traditional energy sources with exhaust gas purification and CO2 capture combined with hydrogen production. The ESTECH technology is suitable for small and medium-size CO2 emitters but can be upscaled for large CO2 emitters where thermal energy is limited.

An alternative to amine-based carbon capture

We consider ESTECH’s carbon capture and power-to-x technology (CAPPOW) as a complementary technology to the traditional amine-based CO2 capturing technology that requires a significant amount of thermal energy, and has a continuous chemical consumption.

Transforming harmful compounds into valuable products

Our technology is also part of the government’s upcoming climate strategy, which will focus on new technology within carbon capture and the production of green energy. The goal is for Europe to be climate neutral by 2050 and to reduce CO2 emissions by 55 percent by 2030.

Pyrolysis of sludge is an environmentally interesting area where dangerous, organic and chemical residues are captured, but where large amounts of CO2 are emitted in the process. VandCenter Syd (Danish waterwork) e.g. converts faecal sludge into biogas and sludge in general into agricultural fertiliser. When the sludge is purified via pyrolysis it becomes green manure. The purification, CO2 capture and simultaneous hydrogen production abilities of ESTECH’s technology is therefore an ideal solution to very specific challenges.

Carbon capture and hydrogen production in one


  • Only electric power (green) is required to operate the system
  • No hazardous chemicals are used
  • Highly scalable, decentralised solution
  • The process is based on CO2 scrubbing in a high-efficiency scrubber tower, and electrochemical separation of CO2, O2 and H2 from the scrubber wash-water
  • CO2 and O2 can be liquified for transport and used or stored
  • CO2 and O2 can be used in the production of synthetic fuels
  • The produced hydrogen is of commercial grade and can be used directly as green fuel or as part of synthetic fuel production
  • The technology uses less energy by integrating carbon capture with hydrogen production
  • The construction cost of the plant is lower than other technologies and health risks are significantly decreased
Energy-efficient CCUS technology

Selected results

  • Energy-efficient Carbon Capture Utility & Storage (CCUS) technology for industries with no available thermal energy
  • The electrolysis cell design proved capability to handle process chemistry
  • An extremely high proportion of CO2 is captured
  • The plant produces clean hydrogen via the built-in electrolytic process
  • The plant is highly energy-efficient considering its two-in-one process
  • PureteQ’s exhaust gas purification technology ensures optimal conditions for reaction between gas and fluid
  • The plant’s integrated cloud-based control panel provides simple operation and maintenance
  • The control system enables real-time remote control, management as well as environmental and technical reporting
Demonstrating the industrial scalability


The pilot plant at VandCenter Syd has served as a test plant since 2021 in preparation for the coming larger demonstration plant. Tests carried out at our pilot plant show that a high percentage of the green energy used is utilised in hydrogen production, which means that it has the potential to become the most energy-efficient Carbon Capture Utility & Storage (CCUS) technology on the market for industries with no available thermal energy. In December 2021, we received funding from the Danish Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Program (EUDP) for the development of a near-industrial-size demonstration plant designed to demonstrate the scalability of the technology. During 2022 and 2023, the plant has been designed and constructed. Read our news releases to follow the further development.