
Topping-out ceremony to celebrate the rise of a unique Power-to-X plant

Today we celebrated a milestone. We have cast the foundation and the final structural beam is raised, completing the frame of the building that is to house our coming near-industrial-size demonstration plant for combined carbon capture and green hydrogen production at VandCenter Syd.

The successful completion of the structural phase of the building process marks a major milestone for everyone involved in the project and is celebrated with a topping-out ceremony in the traditional Danish way with chocolate milk and hot dogs.

The ceremony brought together project team members and construction workers to observe the progress made and served as an opportunity to thank the people involved in the building process.

The demonstration plant will be constructed with industrial components and thereby become near-industrial size. When the demonstration plant is up and running, we will not only demonstrate the scalability of the technology, but we also expect the plant’s energy consumption to be severely reduced.

The technology is unique in its approach to carbon capture, as it merges two sustainable operations in one combined process – we call the technology CAPPOW, short for Carbon Capture and Power-to-X.


  • VCS Denmark – one of the largest water and wastewater utilities in Denmark – are providing their facilities to the ESTECH demonstration plant that comprises CO2 absorbers based on our sister company PureteQ’s scrubber technology and electro-chemical cells with related tanks, pumps, and control panel.
  • The near-industrial-size demonstration plant is going to capture up to 80% CO2.
  • To ensure a cost-effective process, the amount of captured CO2 is adjustable.
  • The produced hydrogen, oxygen and CO2 are valuable Power-to-X compounds

Project participants: ESTECH, VandCenter Syd, DTU, PureteQ, Danish Gas Technology Centre (DGC).

The project is conducted with support from EUDP – The Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Programme and sponsored by Iron Pump and Bollfilter.


Søren Gert Larsen, CEO
M: +45 3080 7527
E: sgl@estech.dk


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